A Pulmonary embolism or a PE is a medical condition in which the pulmonary vessels in both or one of the lungs become blocked. The reason behind the blockage is mainly the formation of one or more blood clots that travel through the veins from other body parts. Generally, this medical condition is a result of a clot that has transferred from small vessels in the arm, heart or leg.
Blood clots keep traveling through the venous systems, till the time it reaches a point after which it is no longer possible for it to travel freely through the system. Because of that, the affected part of the lung no longer gets the right flow of blood.
Below are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a PE:
- Breath shortness – the patient is likely to have difficulty speaking properly
- Chest pain – the pain becomes worse when the patient takes a deep breath
- Sweating – patient may experience profuse sweating and clamming
- Paleness – patient who are severely affected by pulmonary embolism may start to look too while or pale
Some known reasons for pulmonary embolisms:
DVT (deep vein thrombosis) – A DVT is basically a blood clot that has formed within the veins of the leg. The clot sometimes travels through the vein channel resulting in a PE. Redness, swelling and pain in the calves may be indicative of DVT.
Contraceptives – Using birth control pills like yasmin can also cause pulmonary embolism. This is because contraceptives contain higher estrogen which can add to the chances of clotting.
Post-surgical complications – People who have had major surgery mostly remain immobile for a certain period of time, both before and after the surgery. Because of lack of physical activity and mobility, patients stand at a heightened risk of clot formation. Also post-surgery, the subsequent immobility can slow down the blood flow resulting in clot formation.
Pregnancy – During pregnancy, the blood becomes thicker and hence increases the chances of a clot forming, with additional increases as the female’s body goes through pregnancy changes. Women undergoing caesarean may additional risks of PE since it includes the post-surgical complication.
Leg injuries – Patients who have suffered tramatic crash injuries or orthopedic fractures have higher risks of suffering from a PE. The trauma directly affects the leg veins which boosts the chances of DVTs and eventually risks of PE.
Common birth control pills like yasmin can boost chances of pulmonary embolism in women trying to manage pregnancy via contraceptives.
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