Thursday, September 19, 2013

Consider an accomplished attorney to handle your Yaz Pulmonary Embolism Lawsuit

As a birth control option many women choose hormonal contraceptives. It is very convenient and it only takes a second to pop a pill.

Taking a contraceptive pill, however is the same as taking any other medication, it’s still a medication and may have unwanted side effects, especially when it affects the hormonal system. It is the duty of the company to fully warn you ahead of time about the possible consequences of taking the medicine, and there have been allegations that with the new generations of birth control the manufacturers have hid the risks.

There are certain pills that have some very serious repercussions and could potentially be fatal. Yaz is a pill containing a fourth generation hormone that is alleged to double the risk of having a serious side effects such as blindness or death .

The main reason behind this is the incorporation of a certain hormone that leads to the formation of clots in the blood stream. These clots can in turn can cause palpitations, severe headaches, breast tenderness, stroke, heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis, and a host of other life threatening side effects.

There is a full docket of yaz lawsuits against the manufacturer of Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella and Gianvi and each woman has had their own journey with being afflicted with a serious side effects from Yaz.

One particular condition that has recurrently emerged among different women as a possible consequence of taking Yaz is Pulmonary Embolism, also known as a PE, or a blood clot in the lungs.

When the blood clot is formed in an artery that is linked to the lungs, weather primary or secondary, it blocks the passage of the blood and affects the functioning of the lungs. This may feel like a tightening in the chest and functionally the restriction of blood to the lungs can cause the death of lung tissue or even death to other major organ due to lack of oxygenation.

If you too are facing the same issue due to having taken Yaz, you deserve justice and compensation for your injuries.

You should discuss with a Yaz lawyer your rights and the ability to file a Yaz Pulmonary Embolism Lawsuit.

The good news is that there are dedicated firms whose practice focuses on birth control litigation. This means, that the attorneys are experienced in this type of litigation and can educate you about the legal process and the possible results. Every case has its unique complexion, just as you are a unique individual and having a full and frank discussion with counsel about how Yaz has affected your life will promote a finer understanding of your rights and the ability to commence a Yaz lawsuit.

A Yaz Pulmonary Embolism Lawsuit may help you obtain compensation for your injuries if you had a PE, DVT, stroke or worse.

Friday, September 13, 2013

How you can obtain the right representation for the yasmin injuries?

Many women who have used Yasmin and faced its worst side-effects have been filing legal complaints against the maker of this oral contraceptive pill. A product of Bayer healthcare pharmaceutical group, Yasmin birth control pill is a combination of progestin (drospirenone) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol), which is a combined hormonal contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy. Besides birth control, these ingredients were also marketed as an acne treatment for young women, although there are much safer alternatives for treatment of acne and for birth control.

However, considering the most serious side-effects, such as blood clots, gallbladder disease, hyperkalemia, breast lumps, kidney disease, heart attack, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), liver damage, weight fluctuations, stroke, severe allergic reaction etc., from yasmin, it is highly advised that before start taking such pills you should first consult with your doctor, go over your medical and family medical history and discuss safer options and alternatives.

Your physician may ask you several questions regarding your medical history, such as whether you’ve ever had a blood clot before, whether you’re a smoker, if you’re currently on other medications and whether you have any known allergies from certain medicines. Your doctor may also perform some medical tests to check you for various health conditions like breathing problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, and others before prescribing any particular contraceptive.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you encounter any of the following health conditions: extreme pain in the calf; seizures, chest pain, experiencing allergic reactions like breathing in pain, swelling in throat, partial or complete loss of vision, weakness or numbness, coughing up blood or any unexplained pressure in the calf, lungs or head.

If you used a birth control product like Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella, Gianvi, Safyral, BeYaz, or Safyral and suffered from a severe side effect, then you should consider a Yaz or yasmin lawsuit. Many complaints have been filed against Bayer pharmaceuticals on behalf of women who have sustained blood clot related injuries such as a DVT, PE stroke or death.

A Yasmin lawyer is generally a litigator who dedicates a portion of their practice to pharmaceutical lawsuits and specifically birth control litigation. If you suffered from the side-effects of yaz or yasmin pills, then you may be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturer by filing a Yaz lawsuit. If you are among one of those who have lost a loved one due to health complications, such as heart attack or deep vein thrombosis, elevated from the use of birth control drugs, then a yasmin lawyer may be in a position to discuss what your legal options are. No amount of money can ever bring a loved one back, but the commencing of a lawsuit can assist in alerting others to the dangers of a bad drug, and perhaps make the FDA take notice that these riskier birth controls should be banned.

If you’ve experienced an injury or a loss and want to consider what your rights are you should consult with an attorney who has experience in this area of law.

A Yasmin lawyer may educate you on your rights and what the best course of action is if you’ve been injured.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How Yaz And Yazmin Cause Deep Vein Thrombosis?

The studies of the past few years have revealed that Yaz and Yasmin, the hormonal oral contraceptives pills may have many life serious side-effects for its consumesr.

Manufactured by Bayer, these birth control contraceptives, when used correctly, are effective to prevent pregnancy and functions in same manner as other oral contraceptives pills, but with a much greater risk.

Each pill contains similar amount of two hormones, progestin (drospirenone) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). These ingredients function collaboratively to prevent ovulation and cause changes inside the woman’s body to prevent the egg from reaching the uterus, thus preventing pregnancy.

These birth control medicines are not for anyone with health conditions like active liver disease, vascular disease, breast cancer, migraines, kidney and liver malfunctioning, and abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Therefore, before using these oral contraceptives, it is important to consult with your doctor and know the possible risks associated (depending upon your current health status and previous medical history), with the use of Yaz and Yasmin.

Several recent studies show that the hormones used in these oral contraceptives pose a higher risk of a severe blood clot condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis or a “DVT.”

A DVT is a condition in which the formation of blood clots starts in the deep veins of the legs and restricts the flow of blood to the area.

Complications of DVT:

If the clots that cause a DVT dislocate and move to lungs, they can leave you with a sometimes fatal condition by blocking the main blood vessel of the lung, which is known as a pulmonary embolism or a “PE.” The active hormone in Yaz and Yasmin and related products like BeYaz, Safyral, Syeda, Ocella and Gianvi have been associated with double the risk of DVT, PE, stroke, blindness and death. The health-effects of pulmonary embolisms is that the patient may experience severe chest pains and may have difficulty in breathing. In extreme cases it may shut down the lungs causing death. If you suspect any symptoms of a DVT or PE, please consult with a medical professional immediately and communicate that you are on Yaz or Yasmin or any birth control.

Another long-term health problem associated with Deep Vein Thrombosis is post-thrombotic syndrome that occurs as a result of damage of valves and stop blood to freely move in the legs and pool. Under this complication, women may experience severe pain and swelling.

The complications of DVT invite another condition, known as Limb Ischaemia, which results when blood formation cause pressure inside veins. As a result, less blood flow through veins and pass less oxygen. Under this complication patient may experience infections and ulcers.

If the blood clots are large enough that it completely stops the blood flow through the veins, can cause Deep Vein Thrombosis death.


In many cases, DVT develops without showing the obvious symptoms. Otherwise, the common symptoms of this condition include pain in legs, redness, warmth, and swelling.

Some serious symptoms of DVT are: cough with blood, severe chest pain, chest pressure and tightness, weak pulse, respiratory problems, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, laboured breathing etc.

Use birth control pills under the guidance of your physician to understand the consequences and monitor the side effects which can range from a headache to Deep Vein Thrombosis death.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hire a lawyer to protect your rights if you sustained an injury from a bad drug

The use of oral contraceptives for birth control is very common, but the use of the right control requires having a candid discussion with your doctor about the risks versus benefits. Everything comes at a price and has consequences. Although, oral contraceptives are a prime method of family planning, they have several drawbacks associated with its use. Therefore, the careful use of these birth control pills is vital to obtain the right benefits versus the risk of experiencing an extreme birth control related side effect.

If you are among those women who are taking these oral contraceptives then it is best to know the potential side-effects of the medicine you are on. There are number of downsides that accompany the hormonally based medicines, and yes the pill is a medicine. Some of these effects can lead a consumer to the hospital, to blindness, to a stroke or even to a death bed. Therefore, it is essential to take the time and properly research the use of these drugs and understand the side effects of any medicine you are prescribed.

On manufacturers’ side, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to state clear instructions or ‘directions to use’ the medication, and also clearly and boldly explain the possible side-effects. They shouldn’t hide the bill on its risks or introduce into the stream of commerce a product that is less safe than its predecessors.

Among the scores of birth control pharmaceutical manufacturers, one should carefully read the literature that accompanies any birth control product put forth from Bayer Pharmaceuticals. The pills Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella, BeYaz, Gianvi, Safyral, and Syeda all have a fourth generation of hormone in them that have been associated with a higher risk of blood clots.

Some of the serious health concerns associated with the use of Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella, Gianvi, Safyral and Syeda include but are not limited to: Stroke, pulmonary embolism (PE), heart attack, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), vision loss or blindness other Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) events and in some cases death.

If you sustained any of these blood clot related injuries as a result of any of the above listed products you may be entitled to compensation. If you speak with a Yaz lawyer, you can educate yourself about your rights if you’ve had to endure an injury from your birth control. They are the legal professionals who are dedicated to representing the victims of birth control related injuries and can discuss at length with you the Yaz lawsuit and what steps need to be taken to protect your rights and assist you in possibly obtaining compensation for your injuries and expenses. The legal process may seem intimidating, but with a healthy discussion with the right lawyer, with a couple clicks of a mouse a lawyer can start working on your case and try to assist you in receiving some modicum of justice.

Hire a Yaz lawyer to educated you about the legal process and help obtain justice for birth control injuries that you have experienced using Yaz and Yasmin.