Deep vein thrombosis is a medical condition that refers to the formation of blood clot (or thrombus) inside any part of the body. Most often, it targets the veins in the lower leg and thigh.
When blood thickens, it results in blood clumping, which is a clear indication of deep vein thrombosis. This medical condition is also known by other names such as Venous thrombosis, Thrombophlebitis, Venous thromboembolism or simply, blood clot in the leg (VTE).
Mentioned below are a few complications associated with DVTs:
When the blood clot breaks from the vein inside the leg and starts moving through the circulatory system it can be dangerous if not deadly. When blood clots move into the lungs through the veins, it can result in the occurrence of deadly condition called pulmonary embolism. If it moves to the head it can result in a stroke.
Often, deep vein thrombosis occurs without any prior symptoms. However, the possible signs and symptoms of this serious condition include:
- Severe and regular pain in the leg, sometimes in the ankle and foot
- Swelling in the leg
- The skin of the affected region turns blue or deep red
- Tenderness on the leg
- Water retention
Since, deep vein thrombosis, may occur without obvious signs and symptoms or masked symptoms, here are some common signs of pulmonary embolism which is the the placement of a DVT in the lungs. It may result in feeling discomfort in the chest or regular pain in chest, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, anxiousness, irregularity in pulse rate, coughing up blood, sweating etc.
Deep vein thrombosis can occur due to various reasons. This condition can occur due to anything that blocks the flow of blood or does not allow blood to travel through veins properly. Discussed below are some common reasons that cause this deadly condition to occur:
- This life threatening condition occurs when your body is idle and you are not involved in any physical activity for a long time. It is important to move around and stretch particularly during long rides or airplane rides.
- If the person has a family history of blood clots.
- Long time bed rest due to surgery can cause formation of blood clots in body, as well as the surgery itself.
- Medication (such as the use of birth control pills like yasmin) can cause deep vein thrombosis.
- Cigarette smoking is also a cause of DVT, another reason to quit smoking.
- Broken bone in the body, especially, the leg or pelvis.
- During pregnancy, the blood pressure is high in the leg veins and the pelvis area, which can also result into the development of blood clots.
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