You must have heard this a hundred times, “Do not use this medicine without the supervision of a qualified physician.” There is good reason for that.
Every pill has the potential to reach within the human body in an adverse manner. This is not just limited to antibiotics or highly complicated anti-anxiety or anti-depressant pills, but also goes for elective products that people may think are just “benign” like birth control pills as well.
The very fact, that the way pills are meant to work, are by dissolving in your blood stream and complicating and changing your hormones, means you should think twice before taking them and consider only take them when completely necessarily.
Consulting a physician first is important because only he can deem, whether you need that pill or not and discuss with you the consequences and alternatives. He would examine the severity of your case, your medical history, and your current health status, and then suggest what if anything is best for your case.
Below is a list of certain pills along with how they might potentially react:
Antacids- Potential side effects include milk-alkali syndrome, alkalosis, renal failure, and hypercalcemia. Dehydration and Vomiting are more common side-effects and are observed in people that consume large amounts of antacids at the same time. The main use of these side effects is from the incorporation of calcium in antacids.
Pain killers- We don’t really think before consuming painkillers, do we? Well, we should because the list of their adverse effects include agitation, lowered blood pressure, muscle contractions, nausea, ED, and even seizures and hallucinations. Also, addiction is a major problem.
Birth control pills- Their effects may be extremely adverse. They alter the hormones of a woman to avert pregnancy. Side effects include deep vein thrombosis, DVT, pulmonary embolism, PE, Blindness, Cardiac health issues, stroke, sagittal vein thrombosis and potential death. The negative consequences of consuming pills like yaz and yasmin have led many women to resort to a yaz lawyer to try and obtain compensation for their loss.
Sleeping Pills- Again, may be fatal in nature. They cause lung issues while breathing, and make breathing slower and shallower. Other side effects include burning sensation, stomach issues, dehydration, headaches, fits, and weakness.
Muscle relaxers- They are effective, but also very strong. They can possible cause cardiac arrest or paralysis. Wooziness is the most common side effect of muscle relaxants, followed by weakness or vomiting. In extreme cases, unconsciousness and hallucinations are also a possibility.
Remember, to be completely candid and transparent with your doctor, regardless of the nature of your issues. Doctors understand the need for confidentiality with their patients, and the same helps them lend helpful advice. The more information you communicate to them, the better they can diagnose and form a solution for whatever ails you.
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