Monday, December 2, 2013

A Yaz Lawyer May Help You Get Justice

Birth control litigation is a type of litigation that is sometimes classified as complex litigation since it delves into the realm of mass torts, multi-district litigations and long term complicated and expensive cases. Fortunately, the Yaz litigation has resulted in a settlement of over one billion dollars for women who took Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella, Gianvi and BeYaz and suffered VTE injuries such as PE’s, DVTs, stroke, blindness or death.

If you suffered from side-effects from Yaz or Yasmin, such as a pain in the chest that was classified as a pulmonary embolism, a pain in the legs diagnosed as a deep vein thrombosis, a stroke, or heart attack or a blood clot anywhere else in your body, you should consider hiring a Yaz Lawyer.

An attorney that routinely deals with birth control issues can help you successfully navigate through the litigation mine field and be able to tell you the potential value of your case and the timing for your case’s potential results. When you consult with a lawyer you can ask them how many birth control litigation cases they’ve handled, and some of the results they’ve obtained. If the attorney is knowledgeable about the yasmin litigation, they can discuss the science with you as well as how commencing an action can assist in one day possibly banning these new generation riskier products.

One of the theories of the litigation involves a failure to warn. If the manufacturer whose birth control pills you bought did not give you all the necessary details about its contents or possible consequences you may be entitled to compensation if you had a DVT, PE, blindness, stroke or death.

The company never admits wrongdoing. Even though there is a Yasmin settlement currently pending, you will never hear the company say they are sorry for the injuries they caused. It may have affected your child bearing strategy. You may now have to take blood thinners every day and use Lovenox or Cumadin or Wayfarin. No matter what the extent of the injuries or treatment, the only resolve and compensation you may obtainl most likely be in monitory form.

It will also give you a chance to spread awareness about the product which will allow the FDA to count you as one of the thousands who were injured by these products and can help assess whether to pull this from the market.

If the consumption of Yaz or a similar birth control pill has caused you to suffer from severe side-effects, you should know that a Yaz lawyer may help you get due compensation.

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