Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Were You Injured From Gianvi Side Effects?

In the modern era, there are a number of women that have adopted birth control devices such as the pill in their everyday lives. Anytime you take any medicine there are risks, but the consequences taking some of these new generation of hormones are ironically greater than the earlier generations and may sometimes befatal, orput other parts of your very life at great risk.

Most pills in the market use a certified and tested formula that use hormonal chemicals like the likes of ethinyl estradiol that prevent the egg from being released from the ovary, and in the process, avoiding pregnancy.

Drospirenone however can also be used for this purpose but this particular hormonal chemical has proven to have causes much more drastic side effects than the other generations of the pill.

It’s considered responsible for causing blood clots in the internal blood stream, which can be very dangerous or even fatal. Every hormonal birth control carries some risks, but this new generation is twice as risky as the older generation. So you must ask yourself and your doctor, how is this product an improvement?

Unfortunately, there still exist manufacturers that continue to produce such pills. Gianvi, is one such pill that uses drospirenone, and Gianvi causes side effects like:

  • Numbness in one side of your body
  • Severe headache and confusion
  • Vision and speech related problems
  • Chest pain, pain in the arms
  • Nausea and sickness plus excessive sweating
  • Cough, bloody coughs and wheezing
  • Swelling and pain in legs
  • Stomach relates issues such as pain, loss of appetite, dark urine and oddly colored stool
  • Formation of a breast lump
  • Insomnia, depression and fatigue
  • Appearance of freckles or dark patches on skin
  • Hair loss on the head and increased hair growth on the body
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Rashes on Vagina, itching or irritation in Vagina
  • Decreased fertility or decreased libido.
  • menstrual period changes

If you are experiencing any of the above side effects you should immediately speak with your doctor. Some of the more serious side effects from Gianvi include stroke, heart attack, DVT also known as a deep vein thrombosis, PE also known as Pulmonary Emoblism and death. If you suspect you are having any one of these Gianvi side effects you should speak with a doctor immediately. If you’ve already had a blood clot from Gianvi and were administered blood thinner, you should consult with a Gianvi attorney to understand your rights.

You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and you rights may be time sensitive. It’s important to speak with a lawyer sooner rather than later to preserve your rights. It may also be critical to preserve all the evidence incuding any cartons that contain the product to see if you can trace the product back to Bayer or Teva, the makers of the original and the generic product. If you speak with an attorney experienced in Gianvi litigation they can educate you about your rights and help you obtain justice for your injuries.

Gianvi side effects like DVTs, PEs, and strokes are serious and you should consult with a lawyer to find out your rights to sue if you’ve been injured by bad birth control.

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